Tuesday 27 April 2010

Turkey: Scholarships in various fields

If there is no special note in bilateral agreements; Turkish Government offers scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate (Master/PhD) studies, as well as for Research and Turkish Language Summer Courses

Deadline: 30 June 2010


1- Scholarship notifications are announced through diplomatic channels.  Candidates should apply to the authorized bodies of their own countries or to the Turkish Embassies/Consulates in their respective countries.

2- Candidate is selected by the related country or Republic of Turkey by the foreign representatives. Commission also selects one reserve candidate for a quota of five, two reserve candidates for a quota of six or more.

3- Documents of candidates for undergraduate, graduate and research scholarships should be submitted to the Turkish Ministry of National Education through diplomatic channels. Applications with missing documents or applications received later than the above mentioned dates will not be taken into account.

4- Turkish Ministry of National Education examines and evaluates the documents and selects the candidate/s. Selected candidates are invited through diplomatic channels.

5- Candidates of undergraduate and graduate scholarships should obtain a visa of ?ducation?and the candidates of research scholarships should obtain a visa of ?esearch (holder of MoNE scholarship)?from the Turkish Embassies/Consulates in their respective countries. Candidates of Turkish Language Summer Courses scholarships can attend a two-month TÖMER course with a tourist visa.

6- Candidates should be at the address on the invitation letter and bring the application letter and the originals of the diplomas with them. They should cover their own travel expenses.

7- Candidate registers to the educational institution that he/she is accepted and applies for the scholarship. With the official school registration and scholarship documents he/she applies for ?orms?and ?esidence permit? Invitation letter includes necessary information.

8- Student should apply for the extension of residence permit one month prior to its deadline. Extension of the residence permit is under student? responsibility.

9- Undergraduate and graduate students attend Turkish Courses at TÖMER for 1 year. In order to be enrolled to the universities, students should obtain a ?igh?level of TÖMER Diploma.

10- Before making their choices, applicants have to inquire about the universities?conditions of acceptance and registration. Some universities require students to attend a one-year preparatory class and take
a final exam. After completing the placement process for a university, requests for university changes are not regarded.

11- Applications for Medical Specialty studies are unacceptable. However, candidates can take exams for Medical Specialty studies on their own efforts.

12- Research programs are open to those who want to make a scientific research in his/her particular subject area in a university.  Research duration is between 2-8 months.

13- Turkish Language Summer Courses are organized in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Kayseri, Antalya and Samsun. Applicants can choose three provinces among them. Courses are not organized in provinces that have no adequate number of applicants. Course dates are from July 1st to August 31st.

14- School fees, dorm fees and medical treatment expenditures (excluding long term illnesses, serious surgical operations, prosthesis, jaw orthopaedics, orthodontics and teeth prosthesis) are paid by the Turkish Government.

15- Monthly payment for graduate studies, research or Turkish Language Summer Course is TL 220, and TL 195 for undergraduate studies. Travel expenses and cost of meals are to be covered by the student.

16- Academic year begins in September. Candidate invited has to register educational institution until 30th of October at the latest.

17- If a student cannot graduate in normal school time he/she is given maximum a 2 year extra time. If a student cannot graduate in that extra time, his/her scholarship will be cancelled. 

18- It is assumed that the student accepts the conditions of the educational institution and the conditions of the hostel and the conditions of the scholarship that takes place in this document.


  •  Applicants should not be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey or hold a dual nationality (Turkish and any other country? nationality).
  • Undergraduate candidates should have a ?ood?level of a high school graduation degree. The high school which was graduated from should be equivalent to the high schools in Turkey.  Candidates should not have suspended education more than 2 years after graduation and not be older than 25 years on the date of application.
  •  Candidates for graduate studies (Master/PhD) should be a graduate of a 4-year university and not be older than 40 years on the date of application.

  • Research candidates should be a graduate of a 4-year university and have a good level of Turkish, English or French.
  • Candidates for the Turkish Language Summer     Courses should be a university student or a graduate student.
  • Candidates should not be infected with a contagious disease (HIV, Hepatitis-C and etc) or should not have a disease preventing his/her education in Turkey.
For further details,click here

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