The department provides a strong, international, and dynamic research environment with about 70 faculty and 70 PhD students from about 30 countries. For more information, see
The Distributed Computing and Systems research is conducting research on design and analysis of lock- and wait-free data structures for shared memory systems, run-time systems, and parallel algorithms and data structures in general for highly parallel, heterogeneous, many-core systems. The group is running a set of national and international projects in the area and participates on a recently started European Project in Performance Portability and Programmability for Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures
The work focuses on design data structures that allow concurrent data access and exhibit scalable performance on different types of heterogeneous multi-core architectures, using and exploring various autotuning approaches and also deriving methodologies for developing such components.
As a Ph.D. student you are employed by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to other duties at the department, mainly teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own courses and research within the project and you are expected to obtain a Ph.D. within a maximum of 5 years.
Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for applying since English is our working language for research, and we publish internationally. Also Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 30 different countries.
Applicants shall have a Master's Degree or corresponding (Sw. civilingenjörsexamen) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or in a related discipline. As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as literally, are needed. Further, since the research work normally involves developing and testing analytical techniques, good programming skills are important. A successful candidate should have a profound interest in Data Structures and Algorithms for Many-core Architectures.
You may apply even though you might not have completed your degree yet, but expect to do so before the position starts.
It is highly recommended that you include or e-mail letters of recommendation: we typically get a large number of applications, and it is simply not feasible for us to request individual letters. It is essential that the application includes all relevant work such as theses and articles that you have authored or co-authored.
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:
- An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
- Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)
The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents.Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/68) must be written on the first page of the application.
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Further information of the PhD positions can be obtained from
Research level: Professor Philippas Tsigas
Division level: Head of division Peter Lundin
Director of Postgraduate Studies: Koen Lindström Claessen
- SACO: Jan Lindér
- ST: Marie Wenander
- SEKO: Johan Persson
All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00