Postdoctoral position with Patrick Cavanagh, LPP, Paris, France
Starting date: March 2010
A postdoctoral position is available to work at the Centre for Attention and Vision ( of the Laboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception (, Paris, France where I am part of the vision group that includes Andrei Gorea, Pascal Mamassian, Kevin O'Regan, Thérese Collins, Florian Waszak et Mark Wexler.
The position can focus on any of several areas of interest in attention, action, and eye movement experiments in normals as well as attention experiments on ADHD (TDAH) and neurological (parietal and frontal damage) populations. Training in vision research and eye movement recording or patient testing are important as is programming ability in C or Python, or MatLab.
French language is not a requirement but the opportunity to learn is certainly one of many charms of life in Paris. Net salary is minimum of 2,000 euros per month, according to French standards. The initial appointment is one year, renewable once.
Applications should be sent by email (patrick.cavanagh at ) and should include a CV, a brief statement of research interests, the expected date of availability and the names of 3 references. Applications should be sent preferably before December 1st, 2009, but later applications will be considered until the position is filled. Patrick Cavanagh
Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception
Université Paris Descartes
Centre Biomédical des Saints Pères
45 rue des Sts Pères
75006 Paris
patrick.cavanagh [ à ]