The Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory of Prof. Stefan Treue and the Sensorimotor Group of Dr.. Alexander Gail at the German Primate Center (DPZ) in Göttingen, Germany, invite applications for several open and fully funded PhD positions (
Research in our laboratories focuses on the neural basis of visual attention, visual motion perception, sensorimotor processing, and neuroprosthetics. We focus on extracellular recordings from primate cortex and human psychophysics, but also use functional imaging and computational neural modeling ( and
As part of the Center for System Neuroscience (CSN) and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) we offer a stimulating, multi-disciplinary research environment with a strong background in both, experimental and computational neuroscience. Students can choose among multiple PhD programs of the Georg August University School of Science (GAUSS).
We look for highly motivated students with a strong interest in system neuroscience. A degree in neuroscience, physics, engineering, biology, psychology, or related fields is required. Experience in programming is of significant advantage.
Applications should include a cover letter, short CV, list of publications, university certificates, and names (incl. contact info) of 2-3 possible references. Please send your application to as PDF document).
The German Primate Center is an equal opportunity employer.