The International Research Training Group "Non-linearities and upscaling in porous media" (NUPUS) of the Universities Stuttgart, Bergen, Delft, Eindhoven, Utrecht and Wageningen is offering
8 full positions for doctoral candidates for 1,5 years with possibility of extension to 3 years (research assistant, TV-L 13)
from January 1st, 2010 / April 1st 2010 in Stuttgart.
NUPUS deals with flow and transport processes in porous media, focusing on environmental and technical applications. For these applications, models must be formulated to simulate coupled non-linear multiphase flow and transport processes. These processes occur on various scales in both space and time and are subject to the structural heterogeneities of porous media on all scales in space. The paramount goal of NUPUS is to derive, develop, implement and verify methods and models that describe complex multiphase flow processes in rigid and deformable porous media in an interdisciplinary research environment. Fundamental research includes the development of stochastic methods and the optimisation of efficient numerical schemes. These will be linked to applied research (methodical and experimental), e.g. the optimisation of fuel cells, the sequestration of CO2 or the prediction of slope failure.
For a description of the research projects, please refer to (Research Areas)
- M.Sc. or Diplom in Civil, Environmental, Chemical or Process Engineering, Computational Science, Mathematics, Physics or neighbouring disciplines with above-average results
- Applicants are expected to possess a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English
- Applicants must participate actively in NUPUS (give presentations at seminars, follow courses, assist in the organisation)
- Applicants are expected to stay at a partner university in the Netherlands or Norway for 6 to 9 months
Please send an application (CV, degree certificates, motivation letter) by September 15th, 2009 to the spokesman of the German side
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Helmig
Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 61
D-70569 Stuttgart
or electronically to Ms. Maria Costa, She can also provide further information.
The Universitaet Stuttgart wishes to increase the proportion of female academic staff and, for this reason, especially welcomes applications from women. Full-time positions can be split. Handicapped persons with the same qualifications will be given preference. The Central Administration is responsible for recruitment.