The INSERM U866 Research Centre "Lipids, Nutrition, Cancer" has an open position for
a Post-Doc (PhD in Biochemistry or Biological Sciences)
For a transversal project in the INSERM Research Centre to improve the outcome
of cancer therapy by testing new potential treatments against human tumors (colon,
and breast cancer) with high level of efficacy and low toxicity.
Despite aggressive therapies, resistance of many tumors to established treatment
procedures still constitutes a major problem in cancer therapy. For example, the
therapeutic strategy of colorectal cancer is mainly based on surgery and a palliative
chemotherapy with 5-FU/folinic acid associated with Irinotecan.
However this strategy is not very successful, mainly due to establishment of a strong
resistance of cancer cells against the cytotoxic drugs, and to metastatic invasion.
The overall aim of the proposed transversal project in the INSERM U866 Unit "Lipids,
Nutrition, Cancer" is to evaluate: 1) the effect of polyphenols and new chemicals
analogues on the tumor cell plasma membrane, 2) and to determine novel cellular targets in the cellular lipid metabolism which is implicated in the chemotherapeutic response and in the Multi-Drug Resistance.
Disciplines: Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology
This project is part of a large scale program involving several teams in the INSERM
Unit Beside basis support from INSERM and French Ministery of research, this program is supported by the "Conseil Régional de Bourgogne", the vitivinicultural sector, the NACre (Nutrition-Food Cancer research) network, the "Cancer League" (Côte d'Or committee) and INCa (National Cancer Institute and Easter France Cancer cluster).
This position will be available in September-October 2010 and offers a competitive salary (2,500 euros per month). General information on the INSERM U866 Research Center is available at:
The INSERM Research Centre is situated in the University of Dijon, near the University Hospital, with excellent communication facilities. Language spoken include English and French. The INSERM Unit counts 10 teams with about 220 people and supported by 11 technical platforms (Cytometry, lipidomics, proteomics, metabolomics, RPE, …) in the Research Federative Institute "Santé-Stic" (http://www.u- bourgogne. fr/IFR100/) Curriculum vitae, name and contact details of two referees have to be sent to the Supervisor of the Research Program by Email to
Dr. DELMAS Dominique (ddelmas@u-bourgogne .fr)
INSERMResearch Center"Lipids,
Nutrition, Cancer"
Team 9 "Metabolic
and Nutritional Laboratory"
Universityof Burgundy,
Faculty of Sciences, 6 Bd Gabriel 21000 Dijon – FRANCE
Tel: +33 3 80 39 37 01
For a transversal project in the INSERM Research Centre to improve the outcome
of cancer therapy by testing new potential treatments against human tumors (colon,
and breast cancer) with high level of efficacy and low toxicity.
Despite aggressive therapies, resistance of many tumors to established treatment
procedures still constitutes a major problem in cancer therapy. For example, the
therapeutic strategy of colorectal cancer is mainly based on surgery and a palliative
chemotherapy with 5-FU/folinic acid associated with Irinotecan.
However this strategy is not very successful, mainly due to establishment of a strong
resistance of cancer cells against the cytotoxic drugs, and to metastatic invasion.
The overall aim of the proposed transversal project in the INSERM U866 Unit "Lipids,
Nutrition, Cancer" is to evaluate: 1) the effect of polyphenols and new chemicals
analogues on the tumor cell plasma membrane, 2) and to determine novel cellular targets in the cellular lipid metabolism which is implicated in the chemotherapeutic response and in the Multi-Drug Resistance.
Disciplines: Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology
This project is part of a large scale program involving several teams in the INSERM
Unit Beside basis support from INSERM and French Ministery of research, this program is supported by the "Conseil Régional de Bourgogne", the vitivinicultural sector, the NACre (Nutrition-Food Cancer research) network, the "Cancer League" (Côte d'Or committee) and INCa (National Cancer Institute and Easter France Cancer cluster).
This position will be available in September-October 2010 and offers a competitive salary (2,500 euros per month). General information on the INSERM U866 Research Center is available at:
The INSERM Research Centre is situated in the University of Dijon, near the University Hospital, with excellent communication facilities. Language spoken include English and French. The INSERM Unit counts 10 teams with about 220 people and supported by 11 technical platforms (Cytometry, lipidomics, proteomics, metabolomics, RPE, …) in the Research Federative Institute "Santé-Stic" (http://www.u- bourgogne. fr/IFR100/) Curriculum vitae, name and contact details of two referees have to be sent to the Supervisor of the Research Program by Email to
Dr. DELMAS Dominique (ddelmas@u-bourgogne .fr)
INSERMResearch Center"Lipids,
Nutrition, Cancer"
Team 9 "Metabolic
and Nutritional Laboratory"
Universityof Burgundy,
Faculty of Sciences, 6 Bd Gabriel 21000 Dijon – FRANCE
Tel: +33 3 80 39 37 01
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