Friday, 16 April 2010

PhD at K.U. Leuven: Analysis, control and optimization of large-scale dynamical systems


Several PhD and postdoc positions are vacant in the area of analysis, control 
and optimization of large-scale dynamical systems and networks. The emphasis 
is on systems described by partial differential equations and functional differential 
equations, and on the development and application of optimization based control 
design methods. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis and control of 
systems with time-varying parameters.

systems, control and optimization, dynamical systems, infinite-dimensional systems, 
partial and functional differential equations, robustness assessment and optimization, numerical simulation, numerical linear algebra, numerical bifurcation analysis

The candidates for the PhD positions must have a Masters degree in either 
engineering or applied mathematics, the candidates for the PostDoc positions must 
have a PhD degree in Engineering (preferably Electrical, Mechanical or Chemical) 
or Applied Mathematics. They will be hosted at the Numerical Analysis and Applied 
Mathematics Division of the K.U.Leuven, which participates in the Optimization in 
Engineering Center OPTEC. They are expected to participate in national and 
international collaborative projects in the area of dynamical systems, control 
and optimization.

How to apply:
Send an electronic application to Prof. Wim Michiels( ). 
The application should contain a curriculum vitae, including a short description 
of your qualifications and experience (i.e. courses, title and summary of Diploma 
or Master thesis), a short letter describing your motivation, and names and e-mail 
addresses of one or two scientists willing to provide a reference.

Please give the reference of CareerSetup in your application when applying for this opportunity! 

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